Sunday, June 17, 2012

Interpretation Final Exam

Please watch the following three videos from Audrey Ronquilo's very useful self-defense series for women who know nothing about martial arts:

How to Use "NO" for Women's Self Defense

How to Do the Horse Stance for Women's Self Defense

How to do Palm Heel Strikes in Women's Self Defense

For your final examination, you will be asked to interpret these English videos into Chinese. You will be graded for

1) fluency (lack of hesitation),

2) accuracy (correct translation of all topic-related terms), and

3) completeness (nothing was skipped: all significant content has been rendered)

 Audrey Ronquillo is a gorgeous
Résumé image from

"Canadian born, second generation Filipino/Chinese-American. (Google's web cache is much faster than becomeahost)." You can watch her complete video series on YouTube, but watching it on eHow is better because they provide a transcript (with minor errors):

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Self Defense Notes

Useful self defense vocabulary:

640px-Pepper_spray_Demonstration (Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons)
If you carry a small can of pepper spray, you can blind an attacker by spraying it into his eyes. This will give you time to run away.

Your palm can be an effective weapon

A man who attacks a woman might get a knee in the groin

Some notes on today's videos:

video 1: 

your elbows back
wider than
attack ~ assault
"assault and battery"
with our fists pulled back

you can be in somewhat of a stance
you just need to aim
down, directly and hard
with focus and direction
you don't want to miss
the belly button
the thigh
put some shoulder into it

Notes for video 2 appear below: